What is Right to Write About?

It’s been like this for me for a while. Get inspired, start writing, fall completely off for months; maybe years. I’ve gone through many different versions of writers block. It isn’t that I don’t have ideas. I do. I have lists and lists of thoughts on many different topics. For the past few months when I think about writing, the thing that has been holding me up is the state of the world.

How can I write about art and technology, or something I’m really inspired by when there is so much suffering in the world? Multiple wars, poverty, homelessness. The fact that corporations control most governments, that greed drives so many decisions, and that more and more people are moving backwards rather than towards comfortable, thriving lives. I think about all this and it just feels wrong to talk about much of anything else.

This post is an attempt to shake this off. To get it out there that I want to talk about the above, as well as the things that inspire me. I believe we can talk about things that we enjoy and love while at the same time calling out the suffering and injustices of the world in hopes to make things better for everyone.

Here’s hoping this breaks through some of the blockage. I’d love to write and speak more. I’m hoping making this intention public will help. And I hope if you’re reading this (thank you) and have been held back by something similar, know that we don’t always have to hold back our own joy because of the bad things happening in the world. Both can exist.


The Lost Art of Thinking


Breath: The New Science of A Lost Art